Family Best Care – Caring Like Family
What Can You Do To Be Ready For Winter.
Happy October! As we prepare to enter the colder months, the time is ripe to analyze your readiness for weathering a safe and effective winter season. While unlikely, we should all be ready to weather a storm or other emergency situation that requires staying home for extended periods of time. Have you contemplated the steps you can take to ensure you and your loved ones are equipped to do so? Family best care has constructed this convenient guide to assist you in your preparation:
- Take stock of your water and dried/canned/frozen food stores. A good rule of thumb is to have at least a 1-month supply of food and water per person.
- Confirm that you are aware of your water and electric shut off locations
- Stock your home with warm blankets that can be used in the event of a power outage
- Items like flashlights (with extra batteries) and a first aid kit make wonderful additions to the home should an emergency situation present itself
- Don’t forget about your mental health! Keeping a healthy stock of board games, puzzles and books is a must for any bout of isolation at home.
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